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We typically ship orders within 72 hours so you can to get to your gaming!

NOTE: You do not need a PayPal account to use your credit card to pay

Minimum order $15.00 please.

To easily go directly to the products you're interested in, just click the name below:

Magnetic Sheets

These magnetic sheets make transporting your pieces safely as well as holding them in place while you're playing  We have sticky-back (MSSB) and non-sticky back (MS).

12" x 12" Front/Back Shown

Metal Bases

We have a great variety of metal bases to fit your needs.  We have sizes in inches and millimeters.

Click picture for closer look

Casualty Caps

When you have a casualty these caps make it easy to use and spot who's no longer in play.

Click picture for closer look

Magnetic Sheets



Decrease your playing time by 1/3


Now you can move by unit and divisions


Speed up your set-up time and take-down time


Allow for multiple games in an evening








Cost per Pack*

MS-12 Magnetic Sheets 12" x 12" 1 $5.00
MS-24 Magnetic Sheets 12" x 24" 1 $10.00
MSSB-12 Magnetic Sheets w/Stickie Back 12" x 12" 1 $6.00
MSSB-24 Magnetic Sheets w/Stickie Back 12" x 24" 1 $12.00


*Plus appropriate shipping and handling charges

Continental United States:

Flat rate for small box and envelope $11.00
Flat rate for medium box $19.30
International shipments will be calculated and money request sent upon order receipt

All orders shipped USPS Priority Mail or UPS - Upon placing your order, please double check your address in PayPal to ensure it is correct.

Metal Bases






Cost per Pack*


Move Stand

1/2  X 1 1/2 (4 MAN) 25 $8.50
03 Move Stand 1/2  X 1 1/8 (3 MAN) 25 $8.50

04 Move Stand 1/2  X 3/4  (2 MAN) 25 $8.50
05 Move Stand 1/2  X 1 (2 MAN BRITISH) 25 $8.50
06 Move Stand 1 1/2  X 1 1/4 (4 MAN) 20 $8.50
07 Move Stand 3/4  X 1 1/2 (ART) 25 $8.50
08 Move Stand 3/4  X 2 (4 MAN) 20 $8.50
09 Move Stand 3/4  X 1 1/8 25 $8.50
10 Move Stand 3/4  X 1 (2 MAN) 25 $8.50

11 Move Stand 3/4  X 1 1/4 (2 MAN BRITISH) 25 $8.50
12 Move Stand 2  X 1 3/4 (2 MAN CAV) 20 $8.50
13 Move Stand 1  X 2 (ART) 20 $8.50

14 Move Stand 1 X 1 (COMMAND STAND) 25 $8.50
15 Move Stand 1 1/2  X 1 1/2 (COMMAND) 20 $8.50
16 Move Stand 1/2  X 1/2 (SINGLE MAN 15 MM) 25 $8.50
17 Move Stand 1  X 1 1/2 (CAV OR COMM) 25 $8.50
18 Move Stand 1/2  X 1 7/8 (5 MAN STAND) 25 $8.50
19 Move Stand 3/4  X 3/4 (SINGLE MAN 25 MM) 25 $8.50
20 Move Stand 2  X 3 (COMMAND STAND) 10 $8.50
21 Move Stand 2  X 2 15 $8.50
22 Move Stand 1  X 3 15 $8.50
23 Move Stand 1 1/2  X 2 20 $8.50
24 Move Stand 1  X  7/8 25 $8.50
25 Move Stand 1 1/4  X 1 1/4 25 $8.50
26 Move Stand 1  X 1 1/8 25 $8.50
27 Move Stand 1 1/2  X 3 15 $8.50
28 Move Stand 3  X 3 10 $8.50
29 Move Stand 7/8  X 1 1/8 25 $8.50
A1 Move Stand 1 9/16  X 1 9/16 (40 X 40 MM) 20 $8.50
A2 Move Stand 1 9/16  X 1 1/4 (40 X 30 MM) 20 $8.50
Temp Out of Stock A3 Move Stand 1 9/16  X 3/4 (40 X 20 MM) 25 $8.50
A4 Move Stand 1 9/16  X 5/8 (40 X 15 MM) 25 $8.50
A5 Move Stand 2 3/8  X 3 1/8 (60 X 80 MM) 10 $8.50
A6 Move Stand 2 3/8  X 1 9/16 (60 X 40 MM) 15 $8.50
A7 Move Stand 2 3/8  X 1 3/16 (60 X 30 MM) 20 $8.50
A8 Move Stand 2 3/8  X 3/4 (60 X 20 MM) 20 $8.50
A9 Move Stand 3/4  X 3/4 (20 X 20 MM) 25 $8.50
A10 Move Stand 2 3/8  X 2 3/8 (60 X 60 MM) 10 $8.50
A11 Move Stand 1 3/16  X 1 3/16 (30 X 30 MM) 25 $8.50
A12 Move Stand 1  X 1 (25 X 25 MM) 25 $8.50
A13 Move Stand 1 9/16  X 2 1/8 (40 X 80 MM) 15 $8.50
FS-1 Fantasy Move Stand 3/4  X 3/4 25 $8.50
FS-2 Fantasy Move Stand 1  X 1 25 $8.50
FS-3 Fantasy Move Stand 1  X 2 20 $8.50
FS-4 Fantasy Move Stand 1 1/2  X 1 1/2 20 $8.50
FOW 1 Flames of War 1 1/4  X 1 25 $8.50
FOW 2 Flames of War 2  X 1 1/4 20 $8.50
FOW 3 Flames of War 2 X 2 1/2 15 $8.50

*Plus appropriate shipping and handling charges

Continental United States:

Flat rate for small box and Envelope $11.00
Flat rate for medium box $19.30
International shipments will be calculated and money request sent upon order receipt

All orders shipped USPS Priority Mail or UPS- Upon placing your order, please double check your address in PayPal to ensure it is correct.

Casualty Caps






Cost per Pack*


Casualty Cap

White 40 $7.50

Casualty Cap

Blue 40 $7.50

Casualty Cap

Green 40 $7.50

Casualty Cap

Red 40 $7.50

Casualty Cap

Yellow 40 $7.50


*Plus appropriate shipping and handling charges

Continental United States:

Flat rate for small box and envelope $11.00
Flat rate for medium box $19.30
International shipments will be calculated and money request sent upon order receipt

All orders shipped USPS Priority Mail or UPS- Upon placing your order, please double check your address in PayPal to ensure it is correct.


Wargame Accessories  •  5340 Winhawk Way, Lutz, Fl 33558-8038 (813) 787-7120

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